Tuesday, July 6, 2010

How to Get Your Ex Girlfriend Back

How To Get Your Ex Girlfriend Back

By the end of this day you'll learn how to get your ex girlfriend back! Are you tired of feeling totally and completely depressed? Are you sick of imagining your ex girlfriend with some other guy? Did your confidence take a direct hit when she dumped you? If you want to get your confidence back TONIGHT and feel better about yourself TONIGHT -- and if you want to learn how to get your ex girlfriend back TONIGHT - be open minded and CHECK THIS OUT

If you have a lot of patience then please read these tips. Hopefully, I will be able to help you out and do at least SOME good in this mean old world.

If you are reading this page then you are probably in one of the most terrible situations a guy can be in: your girlfriend left you and you want to win her back. My first bit of advice is to be strong and open your mind to a few suggestions. You CAN get your ex girlfriend back after a break up. There are a few things that you SHOULD'T do, if you really want to get back with your ex girlfriend.

Now, just bear with me here. Time is of the essence and I'm going try to cut right to the chase. First you must understand that the things you need to do to get your ex girlfriend back are totally counter intuitive. It's NOT what you think. This is the biggest thing to keep in mind. You are going to want to DO ALL THE WRONG THINGS! If you do those WRONG things, she'll be sleeping with other guys before you can say, "I love you" one more time. I'm not trying to be harsh but you NEED to hear this.

Let's get to list of things you shouldn't do. After that, I'll show you what you SHOULD do -- and this is even more important.

1. Don't tell her you love her over and over again. Actually, don't tell her that at all. This is a knee-jerk reaction for most guys. They think that if they can communicate that they REALLY love her, she'll suddenly understand how much love you have for her and she'll come back to you. Wrong! That's not why she left. Behaving like this will make you seem NEEDY and PATHETIC. OUCH! Don't do that, please!

2. Don't text-message her to death or call her over and over either. Again, that will make you look needy and it's VERY UNATTRACTIVE to women. She's probably been tempted by some other guy who *seems* cooler than you are because he's NOT acting needy. She's probably intrigued by what she can't have. You know what I mean?

3. Don't tell her you'll change and do whatever it takes to win her back. If you do this she'll end up with another guy. That makes things worse. Then you'll need to figure out how to get your ex girlfriend when she has a boyfriend. That can be done too, but do you really want that? The key here is to make yourself suddenly seem desirable again.

4. Don't talk to your ex girlfriend's Mom, Dad or other family members and think that that will win her back. It wont. She'll want to be away from you even more. If she runs away from you even more, she'll run into some other guy's arms -- and you'll see them around town together. It's hard enough to get your ex girlfriend back but it's even harder to learn how to get your ex girlfriend back when she's seeing someone else.

5. Don't go where she is. In other words, don't go out of your way to be where you know she will show up. You'll look like you just can't get over her. Look at it like this: A girl wants the best guy, a desirable guy. If you are throwing yourself at her she's automatically going to feel that you're too easy. She doesn't want that. She wants someone valuable, for lack of a better word. The good, desirable guys are hard to pick up -- or at least that's what they make the girls think. Perhaps that's what the guy trying to pick up YOUR ex girlfriend is making HER think. Think about it.

So, what proactive steps should you take to get your ex girlfriend back? How to get your ex girlfriend back from another guy, or how to get your ex girlfriend back fast, or how to get your girlfriend back after a long time -- just read a book written by an expert on this subject. I recommend THIS BOOK because it's been PROVEN to work time and time again.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

How to Pick Up Girls Book

Even ugly guys can pick up hot women (a great how to pick up girls book) if they know what they're doing. Long ago I realized there was more to picking up hot chicks than having big muscles, a fast car or just incredibly good looks. I remember one day I saw the hottest babe in the world with this really ugly dude and wondered how that could be. After that, I began to notice this phenomena all the time. It's not as common as seeing a nice looking girl with a nice looking guy, but it happens way too much to be an anomaly.

You know what I'm talking about, right? You've seen it yourself I'm sure. You've got to wonder how a really fat guy or really ugly guy can have a sexy woman on his arm, and you don't. What's up with that? Well, that just goes to show that women think and react differently when it comes to dating and sex.

There are two recommendations for guys trying to perfect their how to pick up girls game. Number one: hang out with guys who are already really good at it. Ask them questions. Tell them you want to learn how to pick up girls. This might be a bit awkward for your ego at first, but it will pay off fast. If you'd rather not put yourself in this situation then there's:

Number two: Read a few how to pick up girls books.

Personality, confidence, body language and other critical factors weigh a lot heavier with women than with men. Us guys can use that to our advantage, like those lucky fat guys that score the hot chicks. So, in honor of those ugly guys who are scoring the sexy girls, this weeks how to pick up girls book is the Ugly Man's Guide to Picking Up Women.